Facebook Reserved Crystals

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  • Ocean Jasper

    This crystal is great for unconditional self love and loving others. For me specifically, it helps immensely to calm my anxiety. I have panic disorder and anxiety and this is my go to crystal. It is great for a mental break if you're experiencing stress and also helps to replenish the adrenal system for energy and fatigue while still being calming for anxieties. This is a crystal I have many of and is great to keep on your bedside table.

  • Labradorite

    Labradorite to me is a MUST HAVE. This crystal is great for helping with personal transformation. But, it is even better for protection. It will protect you from psychic attack, protect your aura by forming a protective barrier against negative energy and entities, and it can also be great for stimulating intuition.

  • Carnelian

    Carnelian has a very fiery and passionate energy. Struggling with depression, carnelian was my go to for energy and motivation and it helps extremely. Carnelian paired with rose quartz especially is like the power couple of crystal pairing. I would recommend wearing a carnelian and rose quartz bracelet together on the left wrist for maximum effect.