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Oddity Crystals

At the beginning of the year we decided to try out our own website vs Etsy. It has been a wild ride to say the least and I am so grateful for all the support during this time. I have decided that it will be best for me and my shop to swap back over to Etsy because it is worth it in the long run. Maybe some day we will be able to have both Etsy and a website but for now we are just going to stick to Etsy. You may be wondering why Etsy is best for us and a few of those reasons are that Etsy is easier to manage, Etsy brings in inorganic traffic that we are not able to reach otherwise and Etsy has a better tracking system for us. Again we appreciate all the support we have had this year and we hope you understand why this change has been necessary! Thank you so much for everything you all have done and if you’re looking to shop, head over to